Sunday, July 7, 2013

We Will No Longer Accept the Lies!

Is this the message that will register with the voters for 2014?  “No More Lies,” was the speech delivered by Glenn Beck, in Washington D.C., on June 19th, 2013.  With all of the recent deception that has been revealed on major incidents that under normal circumstances should have demanded for recalls, firings and even impeachment of political leaders for their actions, I wonder if people would recognize the truth if it stared them in the face?

Benghazi / Fast and Furious / Tea Party vs. IRS / NSA violation of the 4th Amendment

The 2014 election cycle for Washington State and Whatcom County is an opportunity to put people into office who are principled believers in the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Washington State Constitution (view electronic image of the original WA State Constitution here).  Don’t let this opportunity slip past you.  The only thing required will be to take the time necessary to research the candidates and get to know them a bit before casting your vote.  The primary is just around the corner, August 6th, 2013, will be here soon.

Things to ask Candidates at Political Forums:Image_of_Cover_Constitution_of_the_State_of_Washington

How long have you lived here?

What’s your current job?

Have you ever worked in the private sector?

Do you own your own private home, or property?

Do you have children?

Have you served in the military?

Will you insure that the individual is lawfully protected from the actions of the Crowd?

What’s your vision for Whatcom County, or your City?

What do you perceive your duties of office to be?

Can you read a financial report?

Is debt a good or bad thing?

YiT ~  Shelly

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