Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Local Blog, “Whatcom Excavator,” exposes blatant lies and collusion between City of Bellingham, Whatcom County Executive, Whatcom County Council, Conservation NW, Board of Natural Resources, Department of Natural Resources and Others

Please, please, please…take the time to read, absorb and share this posting from the Whatcom Excavator.  On Sept. 11th, 2012, the Whatcom County Council may affirm the Reconveyance of 8,800 acres of forested, agricultural land, currently under the control of our elected officials for the benefit of public school construction, low impact recreational activities (including hunting, fishing, off road vehicles and those “nasty” non-sustainable sports), which will forever remove this land as an asset and convert it to a public expense.  The real goal is to hand over this land to the Whatcom Land Trust with a “Conservation Easement.”  Whatcom Land Trust will have all of the control and “We the People,” will have all the costs to pay to maintain thousands of acres.  Better yet, they plan to make an exemption to place “wind turbines” across the ridge line around Lake Whatcom.  Wonder who’s pockets get lined with this chummy deal?

Read the truth for yourself and contact your local Whatcom County Representatives, Whatcom County Executive, BNR and DNR, to share your opinion.

YiT ~ Shelly

The Dirty Low Down - Reconveyance Records Unmask Deals and Secrecy


WE just received a disk of public records that’s a scorcher.  Having looked through quite a few of these files (there are hundreds - it's good that this came with a list of “finds”) it looks like the county has done its best to evade the reality that significant collateral damage will befall the local economy if the “Lake Whatcom Reconveyance” moves forward.  What’s worse, the files reveal the Park Department’s constant and direct involvement in politics.  A lot of effort seems to have gone into putting direct pressure on elected officials near and far.  Instead of being objective, government has exhibited nothing but cold disregard for casualties on this steady march toward a predetermined outcome.  The disk is loaded with emails that urge secrecy.  Reading like a pulp fiction novel, tens of emails revealed deal making, back slapping, and substantial hypocrisy about environmental protection.  It seems a few key players have led an orchestrated campaign to drum up public support based on grandiose promises and emotion.

Click here to read the full post.

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