Recently I was asked; “What is Social Justice?” I answered the question to the best of my ability and as Karma would have it, I stumbled upon this article which explains it far better than I did. So if you’ve wondered to what extent ‘Social Justice’ will affect you and your loved ones, be sure to read this article in it’s entirety. Then the next time someone asks you, “What exactly is Social Justice?”, you will be prepared to speak comfortably on the issue. You probably should read several resources on the subject, to have a well rounded knowledge base, but this is a good place to start. Some of the best material found in this article can be found in the comments of others who expand on ‘Social Justice’ beyond Marx to Castro and Che Guavara.
Yours in Truth ;-) Shelly
May 16, 2010
The term "social justice" is now commonly used by leftist activists, clergy, educators, judges, and politicians to describe the goal they seek to achieve with many of their policies. No precise definition of "social justice" is ever offered by the left. Instead, the term is always used in a vague way -- as if everyone already knows, or should know, what the seemingly well-intentioned phrase "social justice" means.
So, what exactly is "social justice"?
Social justice is the complete economic equality of all members of society. While this may sound like a lofty objective, what it really means is that wealth should be collected by the government and evenly distributed to everyone. In short, social justice is communism. It is rooted in the Marxist idea that the money people make and the property they own do not rightfully belong to the people who make the money and own the property.
Karl Marx's ultimate criticism of capitalism is its recognition of private property. The reason private property is so evil, Marx contended, is that it is a function of economic class warfare. In other words, "the rich" use the concept of private property to oppress "the poor." In order to understand this convoluted thought process, Marx's view of money must be examined, since money is the means by which private property is acquired.
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