This is a lengthy but worthwhile video where each segment of the Occupy Wall Street Manifesto is taken apart, word for word, to expose` the fact that OWS is focused on the wrong solution to their “collective” demands.
YiT, Shelly
Speaking out about the environment, global warming, big government, global group think and how it is enslaving the world. Working together we can bring back "sustainable, predictable governance to the USA."
This is a lengthy but worthwhile video where each segment of the Occupy Wall Street Manifesto is taken apart, word for word, to expose` the fact that OWS is focused on the wrong solution to their “collective” demands.
YiT, Shelly
The local Progressive Party stands for bigger government, more onerous regulations, less rights to our property, the de-industrialization of Whatcom County, walking/bicycles/mass transit over personal automobiles, all the while they state that they are “for the little people”. Well the “little people” need more than government handouts and great big safety nets that are anchors not wings.
So, in an effort to fight for freedom, liberty, rights of property and the restoration to the foundation of our Constitutional protections “from” big government, big taxes, big regulations, I am posting the results of the Whatcom County Progressive Party recommendations. If you believe in free markets, individual destiny, and the freedom to make mistakes which you will take personal responsibility for, the choices recommended by the Progressive Party will not move us in that direction. I ask that you read these over and share them with your contacts. Local politics is extremely important and it’s time that we start paying attention to who are the puppet masters and stop being puppets.
YiT, Shelly
The Progressive Voters Guide highlights the ballot measure positions and candidates recommended by Washington's leading progressive organizations.
Tim Eyman is back with another dangerous initiative that would halt major transportation projects across the state and eliminate thousands of jobs just when we need them most.I-1125 would block funding that is critical for hundreds of construction projects, including the 520 bridge, the Columbia River Crossing, and State Routes 167 and 509. Eyman's I-1125 also threatens critical transit projects, including voter-approved light rail to East King County. This initiative would make it nearly impossible for Washington to sell toll-backed bonds, which are a critical part of the funding for transportation projects across the state.
Nearly all the campaign funding for I-1125 has come from one wealthy developer, Kemper Freeman. Freeman has dumped more than $1 million into I-1125 as a last-ditch effort to stop light rail.
More traffic and fewer jobs is not what Washington families are looking for. Vote NO on Initiative 1125.
Opposed by: League of Women Voters, Washington Environmental Council, Transportation Choices Coalition, SEIU WA State Council, Washington Conservation Voters, Cascade Bicycle Club, Sierra Club, OneAmerica Votes, Fuse Washington, The Stranger, Washington State Democrats, various Democratic district organizations, Washington State Building and Construction Trades Council, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, Joint Council of Teamsters Local 28, Puget Sound Alliance for Retired Americans, Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans, Cascade Land Conservancy, Futurewise, and many others.
I-1163 restores basic training requirements and federal background checks for home health care workers. This initiative will increase accountability for health care workers and ensure that our seniors and people with disabilities receive the safe, quality care they deserve.
Home health care workers care for our parents, grandparents, and members of our community with disabilities. These health care workers maintain the dignity and independence of thousands of our most vulnerable by allowing them to receive care in their own home. This also saves millions of dollars in expensive nursing home care.
Three years ago, the voters of Washington passed a similar measure by an overwhelming margin, only to see it cut by the legislature. Initiative 1163 would restore these common sense protections for more than 40,000 of our state's most vulnerable residents.
Vote YES on I-1163.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington State Alliance for Retired People, Puget Sound Alliance for Retired People, Washington State Senior Citizens Lobby, SEIU Washington State Council, Equal Rights Washington, OneAmerica Votes, Washington CAN!, The Stranger,UFCW 21, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Washington State Democrats, various Democratic District organizations, Washington State Council of Firefighters, Washington Education Association, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO District 751, Washington Teamsters Joint Council #28, Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Faith Action Network, State Poverty Action Network, and many others.
Big grocery chains and liquor distributors are back with another dangerous initiative to deregulate liquor sales in our communities. Based on an initiative that voters solidly rejected last year, I-1183 would authorize as many as five times as many retailers to sell hard liquor. As a result, our communities would likely see an increase in liquor consumption and problem drinking, as well as a negative impact on public safety.
I-1183 was written by corporate chain stores as a way to increase their profits. This measure gives an unfair advantage to big box stores at the expense of our Northwest small businesses and workers. In addition, this dangerous initiative would cost our state nearly 1,000 family-wage jobs and put many local entrepreneurs out of business. That's why small grocers and workers have joined local breweries and wineries standing united against this measure.
Vote NO on I-1183.
Opposed by: League of Women Voters of Washington, SEIU Washington State Council,OneAmerica Votes, Latino PAC, Fuse Washington, The Stranger, Washington State Democrats, various Democratic District organizations, Joint Council of Teamsters 28, Snohomish County Central Labor Council, Spokane Regional Labor Council, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 141 (Nurses), Washington Education Association, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, Children's Alliance, Faith Action Network, King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Puget Sound Alliance for Retired Americans, Seattle Human Services Coalition, Seattle King County Coalition on Homelessness, Statewide Poverty Action Network, Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention, Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans, Washington Unitarian Universalist Voices for Justice, and many others.
The Washington Constitution currently contains two provisions relating to the length of time that a person must be a resident of Washington in order to vote. One of those provisions, article VI, section 1A, is inoperative because the United States Supreme Court ruled that voter residency requirements greater than 30 days are unconstitutional.
This amendment removes the inoperative provision, and allows a citizen to vote if they have resided in Washington, their county and precinct for 30 days.
This amendment passed the State Legislature unanimously.
Endorsements and Supporters include: The Stranger
We lean against but don't have a strong recommendation on this one. There are good progressives on either side. While we are all for a rainy day fund, we have concerns that SJR 8206 would require greater contributions to the fund, while making it almost impossible to tap even when times are hardest.
The state maintains a budget stabilization account, called "The Rainy Day Fund", into which the legislature must contribute 1% of revenues from the general fund. This account can be tapped in case of catastrophe, or when state job growth in the state is less than 1%.
This amendment would require additional contributions to the budget stabilization account in times of "extraordinary revenue growth". Three-fourths of that growth would go to the fund.
Some progressive legislators and organizations are concerned that the amendment would make it harder to tap revenue growth to repair budget cuts made during hard times. The current rainy day fund remains underutilized despite the budget cutbacks caused by the great recession.
The state senate passed this amendment unanimously. The state house passed this amendment 76 to 10.
Opposed by the Washington State Labor Council and The Stranger.
Jack Louws is a business owner and former Mayor of Lynden. He promises to bring that experience to lead the County, deal with aging infrastructure, manage growth, and protect farmland and Lake Whatcom.
Although Louws is not progressive, he is definitely a much better choice than his opponent, conservative State Senator Doug Ericksen.
Endorsements and Supporters include: NW Central Labor Council
Pete Kremen is stepping down from his current role as Whatcom County Executive, but seeking to stay involved in a part-time capacity on the County Council. In addition to his previous leadership, Kremen has supported efforts to clean up Lake Whatcom and brings a tremendous amount of community service and experience.
Kremen is a much better choice than his opponent, conservative incumbent Tony Larson.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington Conservation Voters
Christina Maginnis brings a strong background in environmental policy as a specialist for the Department of Ecology and a member of the Lake Whatcom Watershed Advisory Board. Maginnis wants Whatcom County to be a leader in clean energy and job creation, and to protect farmland and local farmers.
Maginnis is challenging incumbent Sam Crawford, a longtime advocate for conservative development interests.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington Conservation Voters, National Women's Political Caucus of Washington, Progressive Majority, Fuse Washington, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Northwest Washignton Central Labor Council, Whatcom County Democrats, Whatcom Firefighters IAFF #106, Amalgamated Transit Union 843 Bellingham
Alan Black currently serves on the Blaine City Council and is now running for the County Council. He is a retired 747 airline pilot and former medevac pilot for Airlift Northwest. Black wants to find solutions to conserve our natural resources, maintain a healthy environment, and attract more businesses to create family-wage jobs.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, Whatcom County Democrats, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 843, Whatcom Firefighters IAFF #106
Incumbent Bellingham Mayor Dan Pike has been a strong and effective leader working for progressive values and is running to retain his position. Pike's record is fiscally responsible and community oriented. He actively opposes a coal port in Whatcom County and has worked to protect both the lake and watershed, and has the endorsement of several environmental groups.
Pike's challenger is Kelli Linville, who brings a long record of community experience. Linville started her policy career on the Bellingham Planning Commission and moved on to become a state Representative. While endorsed by pro-choice groups, her record in the Legislature is mixed on environmental and labor issues.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington Conservation Voters, Cascade Bicycle Club,Sierra Club, Whatcom County Democrats, Bellingham Firefighters IAFF 106
Jack Weiss has an impressive record protecting the community through better management of Lake Whatcom drinking water, providing responsible growth management that stops sprawl, and ensuring the waterfront master plan reflects community values. He has also worked to improve the availability and quality of low-income housing,and stabilized finances during the recession.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington Conservation Voters, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Whatcom County Democrats
Cathy Lehman brings strong credentials from her work at Sustainable Connections helping entrepreneurs develop green businesses, and at Futurewise promoting smart growth and protecting farmland, forests, and shorelines. Lehman is focused on promoting a vibrant downtown core, livable neighborhoods that provide transportation choices, and the cleanup of Lake Whatcom, including moving towards zero-impact homes in the watershed.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Sierra Club, National Women's Political Caucus of Washington, Progressive Majority, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Whatcom County Democrats
Councilmember Terry Bornemann sees Lake Whatcom as an essential priority for Bellingham and has worked to limit development, ban phosphorus fertilizer pollution, and buy property within the watershed to keep it from development. Bornemann is also working toward the revitalization of our downtown, the protection of our neighborhoods, and working for sustainable economic growth.
Endorsements and Supporters include: NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Whatcom County Democrats, Northwest Central Labor Council
With deep community experience, a strong record as an environmental champion, and previous service on the County Council, Seth Fleetwood is running for a full-term on the Bellingham City Council. Fleetwood is committed to a cleanup program for Lake Whatcom, wants to grow in a way that does not expand into natural resource lands of the county, and develop strong downtown and neighborhood centers.
Endorsements and Supporters include: Washington Conservation Voters
Do I need to say more than this article and video do? As our founders envisioned, U.S. citizen’s will only stay free if we do not ask more of government than they can deliver and still retain privacy and freedom. The more we demand of government in the way of security, the more they will infringe upon our privacy and freedom. Big Brother watching our every move is creepy and we must concern ourselves to maintain our individual responsibility and identity before it’s gone. If the public buys into the increased safety and money that this type of monitoring system does, blow a kiss and say good-bye to America.
YiT, Shelly
High-tech system to include speakers, video surveillance, emergency alerts
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
UPDATE: Presumably in response to this article being linked on the Drudge Report, the company behind ‘Intellistreets’, Illuminating Concepts, has now pulled the video from You Tube entirely, presumably nervous about the negative publicity that could be generated from concerns about street lights being used for “Homeland Security” purposes – their words, not ours. We have added an alternative version of the clip below, but it may be subject to removal at any time. The video is still available on the company’s website.
RELATED: Promo Video For DHS-Backed ‘Spy Street Lights’ Pulled From You Tube
New street lights that include “Homeland Security” applications including speaker systems, motion sensors and video surveillance are now being rolled out with the aid of government funding.
I am proud and excited to share this event. Tom DeWeese, of the American Policy Center, will be the featured speaker at the Northwest Business Club luncheon at the Elks Club in Bellingham, WA, on November 9th, 11:30 am (lunch), 12:00pm– 1:30pm (speaker & questions). Come prepared to be informed and ask questions. If you’re not able to attend the Biz Club event, the Whatcom County chapter of CAPR are planning to host Mr. DeWeese the same day for an evening event. The CAPR hosted event will be at Meridian High School, Performing Arts Building (194 W. Laurel Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226), from 6:30pm – 9:00pm. Please plan to attend one of these events, if possible. Please share this invitation with your friends, family and contacts, because an opportunity to speak with someone so knowledgeable about Agenda 21 – Sustainable Development will not happen again soon!
YiT, Shelly
Please enjoy this very short video. If you agree that it speaks to the mission of “We the People”, that “We” need not be afraid of the government because they work for us…then share this vision. They’d also appreciate a small donation to help spread this message, so even though I know it’s property tax time, this is a great video to support. To donate please go to
YiT, Shelly
Earlier I posted a link to a local web-blog, “Wally Wonders Why”, that wrote about a possible illegal action by the Whatcom County Executive, Pete Kremen and Whatcom County’s Treasurer, Steve Oliver and a potential sexual harassment situation. There does appear to be a cover-up and/or denial on the part of the County Treasurer, Steve Oliver. But, can Mr. Oliver explain how his description of events is so out of sync with the County Executives comments at a local Northwest Business Club candidate debate, forum, held on October 12th, 2011 at the Bellingham Elks Club?
YiT, Shelly
This Story's Not Over - Public Statements About Scandal Conflict, What's True? 10/22/2011
Two days ago WE shared a local blog post that suggested there may have been a cover-up of a high-level scandal at the Whatcom County courthouse. Today, the Bellingham Herald published County Treasurer Steve Oliver's total denial that anything ever happened.
YET, we've received footage from the recent candidate debate that seems to confirm that something did happen. One of those "We report, you decide" moments? Point is, one of these accounts has got to be false. Watch the videos, and read the Herald article.
This posting comes from an online website “Wally’s Wonders Why”, who’s focus is on local news that doesn’t seem to make it out from the shadows and shed light for the voting citizen’s to make an informed decision on who deserves their vote!
Read, enjoy and share…please.
YiT, Shelly
October 17th, 2011 |
I haven’t found the time to post much lately, homework, work, kids football and the list goes on, but as our next chance to vote fast approaches I’m finding that one crucial issue has not come fully to light. The issue is whatever went on in the Whatcom County Treasurers Office between Steve Oliver and one of his employees as well as how our County Executive Pete Kremen handled it. I can’t tell you what went on for sure, only that something apparently has gone on, but that is the point of this post. I hope that our local media will shed some light on what has gone on, before we receive ballots asking us to again vote these men into public office. The people of Whatcom County deserve to know.
For months now I’ve heard rumors of a scandal between County Treasurer Steve Oliver and one of his employees as well as a subsequent hush hush dealing with the situation by County Executive Pete Kremen. I’ve seen no direct evidence of the situation, so these rumors have remained rumors from my standpoint; I’ve never repeated them. I frankly had hoped that both County Executive Pete Kremen and County Treasurer Steve Oliver would quietly end their political careers by not seeking re-election this year, or in Mr. Kremen’s case, election to a new position on the County Council. Withdrawing candidacy could have left what is undoubtedly also a sensitive personal issue to be dealt with on a personal, not public level. Sadly it doesn’t look like that is the way it will go down.
Both these men were recently questioned on this subject in open public forums and both seemed to acknowledge the situation, taking it out of the realm of gossip and rumor. Yet, neither shed light on the facts of the situation and, as of several days later, I’ve read nothing in the news. So in lieu of the real media at this point, I’ll pass along what I believe to know in hopes that we can make more informed decision.
At a recent NW Business Club forum, County Executive Kremen was asked if he bypassed the human resources department in dealing with a serious situation at the Whatcom County Treasurers office and his response apparently confirmed that he did.
Next, Whatcom County Treasurer Steve Oliver was asked at a Birch Bay candidate forum if he, while in office, did or did not engage in a relationship with a female employee that involved any form of affection, physical contact, sexual contact, or any other inappropriate conduct. And as a follow up he was asked how that kind of behavior would affect his ability to conduct the duties of the Treasurer’s office. His response was along the lines that there was no complaint, no grievance, no lawsuit, no threat of a lawsuit and that there had been no liability. And as far as I know, he didn’t deny anything and as far as I know, he didn’t answer the followup about the effect of this on the Treasurer’s office.
The lack of denial by either Pete Kremen or Steve Oliver gives substance to what had been only rumors. Apparently scandal did occur at the County Treasurers office and apparently it was dealt with in a less than standard fashion at the County Executive level.
I think the smartest move at this point would be for Pete Kremen and Steve Oliver to withdraw themselves from candidacy, however I won’t be holding my breath. But with ballots now close at hand, I sure hope that someone in our local media (Herald, KGMI, Cascadia) will step up and bring some facts to light so that voters may make more informed decisions.
Everyday, if take the time to look and research, there is more evidence of the massive amount of planning that has been done to create “Occupy Wall Street” and all of the other “Occupy Protests”. Lisa Fithian is described as a professional organizer for anti-globalist, anarchists, unions, etc. The end game for “Sustainable Development”, the “Sustainablists”, is globalism. Someone should ask Lisa Fithian, why she is either just another of the useful idiots to promote a global push for global-socialism, or she is lying to her supporters as is written in the Saul Alinsky modeling of “Rules for Radicals”. We all know that there is no greed or corruption in Socialist/Communist/Marxist regimes, right?
There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevski said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families – more than seventy million people – whose income range from $5,000 to $10,000 a year [in 1971]. They cannot be dismissed by labeling them blue collar or hard hat. They will not continue to be relatively passive and slightly challenging. If we fail to communicate with them, if we don't encourage them to form alliances with us, they will move to the right. Maybe they will anyway, but let's not let it happen by default.[2]
For Alinsky, organizing is the process of highlighting whatever he believed to be wrong and convincing people they can actually do something about it. The two are linked. If people feel they don’t have the power to change a situation, they stop thinking about it.
According to Alinsky, the organizer — especially a paid organizer from outside — must first overcome suspicion and establish credibility. Next the organizer must begin the task of agitating: rubbing resentments, fanning hostilities, and searching out controversy. This is necessary to get people to participate. An organizer has to attack apathy and disturb the prevailing patterns of complacent community life where people have simply come to accept a situation. Alinsky would say, "The first step in community organization is community disorganization."
History has proven that top down governments are always corrupt and hold “little” regard for human rights. The only system that has ever come close to that is the “Capitalist” system.
Enjoy this video and please share it with your friends, family and contact list.
Yit, Shelly
This article takes on and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of both the Tea Parties and the Occupiers, why both groups are righteously mad at the system, but have diametrically opposite solutions to the problem.
The premise is that the system has been rigged to insure that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That is not entirely true. The rich get richer because they have money and power to effect “politicians” who are micro-managing the economy away from the free markets. The politicians initial intent may be genuine, but as often happens, their genuine act has driven the U.S. economic model ever closer to socialism. The wealthy have the ability to influence the government and the government has an ever increasing need for money. So the outcome of this are these Public Private Partnerships, which sets up an Oligarchy, which leads to a “two” class system in America. An Oligarchy cannot exist without the consent of the politicians. The outcome of Socialism and an Oligarchy is that the middle class is being squeezed ever downward. The solution is not to “nationalize” the economy, but to free up the economy and enable the small businesses and entrepreneur's to breakthrough the walls that this change in our political system has created.
The protesters must be addressed to understand that all of the Marxism that was dished out in their K-12 and higher institutes of education, cannot fix what ails America. The restoration of our Constitutional protections will require that we peel back the onion and simplify the system. As it stands now, the system shuts down the vast majority of us who want to be self sufficient, by drowning us in red tape, regulations, permits, fees and all the money needed to grease the skids of the system. The correction of overt government interference in the private markets, the simplification of business regulations and taxes will vastly improve the lot of the small business, middle class and the poor. It will enable us to independently work our way upwards economically, so we can care for ourselves and our families.
YiT, Shelly
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Friday, October 14th at 1:16PM EDT
The occupiers think the government should pick the winners and losers and the tea party thinks the free market can.
“But wait,” they say, “the market is not free.” And they are right. But the solution should be to free up the market, not shackle it or nationalize it.
Back in 2009, I asked when the people would revolt. The left went nuts, accusing me of fomenting the very violence they are now fomenting. But this is precisely where I saw us heading. The left has whipped people into a sentiment against Wall Street and bankers and the rich, but as I pointed out then and still maintain, it is the politicians who are to blame. People are reacting now, as I predicted they would, to the tyranny of small things.
The bankers on Wall Street have the same number of votes the rest of us have. But it is the politicians, not the banks, who have made the playing field un-level. And the banks and their derivatives and new fees, etc. are all in response to the playing field being unleveled.
What has happened is government has made it more and more difficult for anyone to make a profit. So the financial industry got more and more creative in trying to make a profit. The house of cards eventually came tumbling down. But it never would have happened, but for the government — from Fannie to Freddie to the Community Redevelopment Act and on and on and on.
Only those with money could stay ahead. To be sure, some of them were crooked bastards who should go to jail along with some politicians. But not all of them or even most of them. More so, many on the left right now ignore the fact that these guys are bipartisan in their giving, if not slightly left, and the Obama Administration has done nothing about them. In fact, many of this administration’s legal reforms have actually benefited the biggest financial service firms like Goldman Sachs.
Click here to read the full story.
The “Wildlands Project” is the impetus to re-introduce species and lock-up public land, making it off limits to humans for hunting, fishing, skiing of all types, hiking of all types, mountain biking, et al. This is an example of what that will look like for those who are fortunate enough to live in rural America.
YiT, Shelly
So we’ve gone from “Occupy Wall Street”, to the “Flea Party”, to “Pigs at the Trough” and now another fitting descriptive label “The Occupation Party”. If that doesn’t speak of Marxist ideology, well you must have slept through every class during your public education.
YiT, Shelly
By Simone Wilson Fri., Oct. 14 2011 at 10:45 AM Categories: Arts News, Occupy L.A.
A West Coast legend does his part.
Yup. This just happened. Right after receiving the victorious news from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg that Occupy Wall Street doesn't have to move out of Zuccotti Park after all, protest organizers learned they'd been blessed with a Shepard Fairey original.
An East Coast art-blog editor who's been keeping up with the artistic aspects of OWS (and oh, there are many -- in L.A. too!) told WNYC radio of Fairey's "Occupation Party" invite: "I think it's really great that it's an upward looking positive image, as well as it tries to tie together a little bit of the radicalism of the 60's with today."
Look familiar?
Indeed -- Fairey's apparently still on his strong-black-person-gazing-majestically-into-the-heavens kick. But will his (very kind) contributions to the movement revive the Obama "Hope" curse?
Fairey's portrait of the president lured millions of huddled hipsters to the voting booths in 2008. But after many of them decided he's just as useless as the next paid-off politician -- seeing as, you know, the sky didn't rain down free pot and iPads -- the "Hope" symbol took on a new cheesy patriotism. Click here for the full story.
The truth is found posted within the comment section of this article:
Rad 4 hours ago
Looks like Angela Davis...the black radical from the 70's. This whole Occupy thing is going to blow up in the left's faces.
freeulysses 16 minutes ago in reply to cre8more
cre8more said "Were there "white punks"...of course. Were there college professors
debating issues intelligently...yes. Were there blacks, latinos, and
other people of color expressing their thoughts with conviction, passion
and a prevailing sense of civility...ABSOLUTELY."
And tell me, were there people calling for bringing back the guillotine? Yes. For beheading bankers? Yes. Complaining that the protest wasn't violent enough? Yes. That the entire system of capitalism be destroyed? Yes. That this country needs a real revolution? Yes. That there were representatives of the communist party? Yes. That the protest was called for by a group out of Canada that don't even live under our political system? Yes.
If you are going to tell the truth, tell the whole truth. This has been a 3 ring circus from jump street. The problem is, it's using people's anger or envy over 100 different issues, and when the only uniting factor is anger, being fueled by global reformists that are not part of or care about the American way of life, you are creating a brew that is not good for the 99%, not good for civilization. If you get your 100 wishes, the economy will be worse, entitlements will be unsustainable, blood will run in the streets, and the system that has done more for the quality of life of millions around the globe will be weakened.
Here is an update to the previous protest, more evidence that this movement is “well funded” by people who are thus far being ignored by the mainstream media. The post below is a “Craig’s list positng” for paid protestors in New York to beef up the numbers of OWS participants.
Gee, I wish the media could wake-up and realize they are conscious participants to the destruction of our Country. Oh I forgot! They do know what they’re doing, they just don’t care anymore about the 1st Amendment that gave them the right to publish “all” of the truth.
YiT, Shelly
Avoid scams and fraud by dealing locally! Beware any deal involving Western Union, Moneygram, wire transfer, cashier check, money order, shipping, escrow, or any promise of transaction protection/certification/guarantee. More info
The Working Families Party (WFP) ( is New York's most energetic, independent and progressive political party. Formed in 1998 by a grassroots coalition of community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions, we came together to build a society that works for all of us, not just Wall Street CEOs and the well-connected. WFP is independent from corporate and government funding and in-addition we are community based; community funded and equally uninfluenced by both major parties. Our agenda focuses on economic and social justice, corporate accountability, job creation, environmental protection, and investment in education and healthcare.
For the past twelve years the WFP has been at the fore front of progressive politics,
Leading the fight and helping to frame the debate. The WFP has a proud record of fighting for issues that matter and has been instrumental in implementing key pieces of legislation such as Raising New York's Minimum Wage, Enacting Living Wage Laws, Creating Thousands of Jobs In the Green Economy, Passing Healthcare Reforms on the Local Level, Fighting for Affordable Housing, Keeping Tuition Costs Low, A Progressive Tax Code, Reliable/Cost Effective Public Transit System, Public Financing Of Elections and Corporate Accountability . In addition, we have an unapologetic stance on supporting and pushing good candidates to enact progressive legislation
The WFP is seeking immediate hires.
You must be an energetic communicator, with a passion for social and economic justice.
Only outgoing, articulate dedicated, determined candidates will be considered for the positions.
For those candidates that qualify WFP offers substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership, on varied issues such as: advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, fundraising, networking and organizing. We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.
This is not a policy job! Through direct action you will be shaping NY state politics for the next 20 years.
If you care about New York and want to help educate and mobilize around legislative campaigns-then we look forward to hearing from you!
"We're organizing in communities around New York State -- but we don't hire people to Occupy Wall Street. Then again, if you believe the laughable conspiracy theories from Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, this is probably the wrong job for you anyway."
Apply at
PostingID: 2618821815
This group has done their work and turned it over to Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government for the public to get out of the spin zone of the mainstream media.
Yours in Truth, Shelly
[Editors' Note - Crowdsourcing: At the end of this post, you will find links to download the#OccupyWallStreet email archive described earlier today by Andrew Breitbart. Send your thoughts, observations, and findings to, or post them in the comment section.]
On August 10, 2011, the hacker group “Anonymous” announced that it would join the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. That’s what sparked my interest in monitoring #OccupyWallStreet.
I reached out to a colleague and asked if he would be interested in studying the protest with me. At first, it seemed disorganized, and we believed it would only be a few hundred protestors.
As we engaged in monitoring its growth, we recruited other people to help us begin the collection of data available via social media. We began mapping out key players, and monitored Anonymous’s efforts to organize protests in the San Francisco Bay area public transportation system (#opBART) in order to detect patterns and key influencers.
Then, at the end of August, we were alerted by a fellow researcher that information about USDoR (U.S. Day of Rage, to which Occupy Wall Street is connected) had been posted on Shamuk and Al-Jahad, two Al-Qaeda recruitment sites. We began to take the “Occupy” protest more seriously, and dedicated more time to research and monitoring. Click here for the full story.
This portion of my post comes from the same article and includes the links for the brave and knowledgeable to explore the muckety interconnections of the Occupy Wall Street organizers. To combat their actions “We the People” need to know the whole story, not just what the mainstream media is giving us. YiT~Shelly
After attending these meetings and socializing with those present, several of our team members were added to all the mailing lists of the “Occupy” group. That is how we created the email archive that we are sharing with you (see below). In addition to the involvement of socialists, anarchists, and other radicals, the emails also reveal heavy union involvement from the beginning of the “Occupy” movement, as well as discussion about the role of the Democratic Party, and how the movement should respond to President Barack Obama.
The emails also reveal that the Occupation attempted to provoke the New York Police Department prior to some of the clashes that occurred with activists.
Additionally, the emails reveal the many failed efforts of the hacker collective Anonymous. If those efforts had succeeded, they may have damaged the global economy.
Some examples are:
We are sharing the email archive because we believe the public needs to know the hidden agendas behind the Occupation–the socialist, anarchist, and other agendas that have not been reported in the mainstream media.
Email archive:
.pst format: primary and alternate
.csv format: primary and alternate
Click here for the full story.
Some people have started to call “Occupy Wall Street” the “Flea Party”. In my opinion they are the epitome of “Pigs at the Trough”!
Please accept my apology for the offensive picture(s), but words cannot describe what these picture(s) show that our Country will look like as this behavior is encouraged through the mainstream media, by the DCCC, SEIU, AFL-CIO,, Communist Party USA, President Barack Obama, Vice President Biden, Congresswoman Pelosi and what used to be proud and moral leaders of a proud and moral Country.
Yours in Truth, Shelly