Monday, September 12, 2011

“America’s Choice–Liberty or Sustainable Development”

There is a very worthwhile DVD set; “America’s Choice – Liberty or Sustainable Development”, published by experts on Agenda 21 and how it is has been, is and currently continues to  be implemented throughout the United States.  The first DVD is Michael Shaw.  DVD #1 is an excellent start to understand what Agenda 21 is and how to recognize in your community.  DVD #2 features Michael Coffman (creator of the Wildlands Project Map) who explains the economics of “Sustainable Development”, and Michael Chapman who explains how education has, is and will continue to be about re-wiring the youth to be global citizen’s and voluntarily give up their constitutional rights.  There is a 3rd DVD (which I haven’t watched yet) that I will be posting next week to complete the picture for those who want to educate themselves and be a force of political change in the upcoming years.
Please enjoy these ‘2’ DVD’s, share them with others and let me know if you believe that Agenda 21 is the cancer, not the human population as is implied by “Sustainabilist’s”
Yours In Truth  Winking smile  Shelly

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